Alex Veek

Sound Therapist

“Recognize your own power to take action aligned with your beliefs and create the reality you desire.”

Sound Healing
I haven’t gone through a major trauma in my life to look for a therapy that would help me heal my wounds. But I am still a human, and I find myself stressed, overwhelmed, trapped in negativity, sluggish, exhausted, depleted of personal resources to navigate through the everyday challenges. And I experience my body manifestation of all imbalances in the form of physical dis-ease, like tension, aches and pains, headaches, sleep issues, etc. We are all humans and we all need guidance, inspiration and support in harnessing our own strengths and inner resources, and here I am – with different professional tools, including powerful frequencies.

English, Polish

Years of Experience

1-2 years of experience


Mental, emotional and physical stress


Stressed, overwhelmed, in pain

services for practitioner

Alex Veek

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